

Witek ten Hove



import json
import plotly.graph_objects as go

import json
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Read the JSON data from the file
with open('methods.json', 'r') as file:
    data = json.load(file)

# Sort the data by the "Year" field
sorted_data = sorted(data, key=lambda x: x["Year"])

# Extracting the data for the table
headers = ["Title", "Authors", "Publication Year", "Time Slots", "Schedule Format", "Service Time", "No-Shows Assumed", "Emergency Patients Assumed", "Punctuality Assumed", "Waiting Time", "Idle Time", "Overtime", "Solution Approach"]
rows = []

for article in sorted_data:
    row = [
        article["Modeling Approach"]["time slots"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["schedule format"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["service time"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["no-shows assumed"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["emergency patients assumed"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["punctuality assumed"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["objective function elements"]["waiting time"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["objective function elements"]["idle time"],
        article["Modeling Approach"]["objective function elements"]["overtime"],
        article["Solution approach"]

# Create the table
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Table(

From: Kaandorp and Koole (2007)

To explain part (A) of the Proof of Theorem A.4 from pages 13, 14, and 15 of the provided document to someone with undergraduate math and stat skills, we will break it down step-by-step and illustrate each step with Python code where applicable. This part of the proof deals with showing that certain scheduling functions are multimodular.

Understanding Multimodularity

A function \(f: \mathbb{Z}^m \to \mathbb{R}\) is called multimodular if for all \(x \in \mathbb{Z}^m\) and \(v, w \in V\) with \(v \neq w\), the following inequality holds: \[f(x + v) + f(x + w) \leq f(x) + f(x + v + w)\]

In this context, \(V\) is a set of vectors defined by the specific problem, often involving moves from one time slot to another in a scheduling problem.

Problem Setup

We need to show that the waiting time function \(W(x)\), the idle time function \(I(x)\), and the tardiness function \(L(x)\) are multimodular.

Step-by-Step Explanation

Step 1: Definitions and Initial Setup

Let’s consider a set of schedules and the effect of moving patients between time slots. The schedules are represented as vectors in \(\mathbb{Z}^m\).

We’ll define four schedules: 1. \(x\) 2. \(x + u_i\) 3. \(x + u_j\) 4. \(x + u_i + u_j\)

Here, \(u_i\) and \(u_j\) represent moves that alter the schedule.

Step 2: Case Analysis

The proof involves analyzing different cases of how patients might flow through the system. For Case A, it is assumed that the queue empties between time \(i\) and \(j-1\).

Step 3: Equating Paths

In Case A, paths of schedules (A1) and (A3) are the same until time \(j-1\). Similarly, paths of schedules (A2) and (A4) are the same until time \(j-1\). From this time onwards, paths are identical.

Step 4: Calculating Total Waiting Time

We denote total waiting times as follows: - \(a_1\) for schedule (A1) until time \(j-1\) - \(a_2\) for schedule (A2) until time \(j-1\) - \(b_1\) for schedules (A1) and (A2) after time \(j-1\) - \(b_2\) for schedules (A3) and (A4) after time \(j-1\)

From these, we establish the equality: \[a_2 + b_1 + a_1 + b_2 = a_1 + b_1 + a_2 + b_2\]

This equality shows that the waiting times are multimodular in this specific case.

Python Code Illustration

We’ll illustrate the concept with Python code. The code will simulate simple queue management and waiting time calculations for the schedules.

class Schedule:
    def __init__(self, patients):
        self.patients = patients  # list of patients scheduled at each time slot

def calculate_waiting_time(schedule):
    total_waiting_time = 0
    queue = 0
    for t, patients in enumerate(schedule.patients):
        print("t =", t, ", Patients:", patients)
        total_waiting_time += queue
        print("Total waiting time:", total_waiting_time)
        queue += patients - 1  # one patient is treated, rest wait
        print("Queue:", queue)
        if queue < 0:
            queue = 0
    return total_waiting_time

# Initial schedules
x = Schedule([2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1])
x_ui = Schedule([2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1])
x_uj = Schedule([2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1])
x_ui_uj = Schedule([2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1])

# Calculate waiting times
W_x = calculate_waiting_time(x)
W_x_ui = calculate_waiting_time(x_ui)
W_x_uj = calculate_waiting_time(x_uj)
W_x_ui_uj = calculate_waiting_time(x_ui_uj)

# Check multimodularity
multimodular_check = W_x_ui + W_x_uj <= W_x + W_x_ui_uj
print("Is the waiting time function multimodular?", multimodular_check)
t = 0 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 0
Queue: 1
t = 1 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 1
Queue: 1
t = 2 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 2
Queue: 1
t = 3 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 4 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: -1
t = 5 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 6 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 0 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 0
Queue: 1
t = 1 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 1
Queue: 2
t = 2 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 1
t = 3 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
t = 4 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: -1
t = 5 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
t = 6 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
t = 0 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 0
Queue: 1
t = 1 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 1
Queue: 1
t = 2 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 2
Queue: 1
t = 3 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 4 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 5 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: -1
t = 6 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 0
t = 0 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 0
Queue: 1
t = 1 , Patients: 2
Total waiting time: 1
Queue: 2
t = 2 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 3
Queue: 1
t = 3 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
t = 4 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
t = 5 , Patients: 0
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: -1
t = 6 , Patients: 1
Total waiting time: 4
Queue: 0
Is the waiting time function multimodular? True

This code sets up four schedules, calculates their waiting times, and checks if the waiting time function satisfies the multimodular condition.


Homem-de-Mello, Tito, Qingxia Kong, and Rodrigo Godoy-Barba. 2022. “A Simulation Optimization Approach for the Appointment Scheduling Problem with Decision-Dependent Uncertainties.” INFORMS Journal on Computing 34 (5): 2845–65.
Kaandorp, Guido C, and Ger Koole. 2007. “Optimal Outpatient Appointment Scheduling.” Health Care Management Science 10: 217–29.