import numpy as np
def multimodular_function(x):
return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 + x[2]**2
= np.array([1, 2, 3])
x print(multimodular_function(x)) # Output: 14
From: Zacharias and Yunes (2020)
A multimodular function has the property that local optima are also global optima. Here, we’ll use a simple quadratic function as an example.
import numpy as np
def multimodular_function(x):
return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 + x[2]**2
= np.array([1, 2, 3])
x print(multimodular_function(x)) # Output: 14
These are vectors where each component is a nonnegative integer.
= np.array([0, 2, 3])
x print(x) # Output: [0 2 3]
[0 2 3]
Let’s define a simple submodular function and use a greedy algorithm to minimize it.
Submodular Function Definition
def submodular_function(S):
return sum(S) - 0.5 * len(S) * (len(S) - 1)
= {1, 2, 3}
S print(submodular_function(S)) # Output: 4.5
Greedy Algorithm for Minimization
def submodular_function(S):
= sum(S)
base_cost = 0.5 * len(S) * (len(S) - 1)
penalty = 0
# Adding synergy between elements 2 and 3
if 2 in S and 3 in S:
+= 5
# Adding synergy between elements 1 and 3
if 1 in S and 3 in S:
+= 3
synergy_discount print(S, base_cost, penalty, synergy_discount)
return base_cost + penalty - synergy_discount
# Example sets
print(submodular_function({1})) # Output: 1
print(submodular_function({2})) # Output: 2
print(submodular_function({3})) # Output: 3
print(submodular_function({1, 2})) # Output: 3
print(submodular_function({2, 3})) # Output: 0
print(submodular_function({1, 3})) # Output: -0.5
print(submodular_function({1, 2, 3})) # Output: 1.5
def greedy_minimization(elements):
= set()
current_set = submodular_function(current_set)
= True
improved while improved:
= False
improved for element in elements:
= current_set.union({element})
new_set = submodular_function(new_set)
new_value print("New set:", new_set, "New value:", new_value, "Current value:", current_value)
if new_value < current_value:
= new_set
current_set = new_value
current_value = True
return current_set, current_value
= [1, 2, 3]
elements = greedy_minimization(elements)
optimal_set, min_value
print("Optimal Set:", optimal_set)
print("Minimum Value:", min_value)
print("Optimal Set:", optimal_set)
print("Minimum Value:", min_value)
{1} 1 0.0 0
{2} 2 0.0 0
{3} 3 0.0 0
{1, 2} 3 1.0 0
{2, 3} 5 1.0 5
{1, 3} 4 1.0 3
{1, 2, 3} 6 3.0 8
set() 0 -0.0 0
{1} 1 0.0 0
New set: {1} New value: 1.0 Current value: 0.0
{2} 2 0.0 0
New set: {2} New value: 2.0 Current value: 0.0
{3} 3 0.0 0
New set: {3} New value: 3.0 Current value: 0.0
Optimal Set: set()
Minimum Value: 0.0
Optimal Set: set()
Minimum Value: 0.0
1, 3}) submodular_function({
{1, 3} 4 1.0 3
A ring family is closed under union and intersection. We’ll create a simple example to demonstrate this.
= {1, 2}
A = {2, 3}
= A.union(B)
union = A.intersection(B)
print(union) # Output: {1, 2, 3}
print(intersection) # Output: {2}
{1, 2, 3}
Formulate the multimodular function minimization problem.
# Multimodular function (example: quadratic)
def multimodular_function(x):
return x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 + x[2]**2
# Example vector
= np.array([1, 2, 3])
x print(multimodular_function(x)) # Output: 14
Transform the multimodular function into a submodular function using a bidiagonal matrix.
= np.array([[1, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0], [0, -1, 1]])
# The matrix B transforms a vector y such that B @ y = x
# Define an example schedule
= np.array([1, 2, 3])
# Transform x to y
= np.linalg.solve(B, x)
y print("Transformed y:", y)
Transformed y: [1. 3. 6.]
Use a simple greedy algorithm to minimize the submodular function.
from itertools import combinations
def submodular_function(S):
return sum(S) - 0.5 * len(S) * (len(S) - 1)
# Find the subset with the minimum submodular function value
def greedy_minimization(elements):
= set()
current_set = submodular_function(current_set)
for element in elements:
= current_set.union({element})
new_set = submodular_function(new_set)
if new_value < current_value:
= new_set
current_set = new_value
return current_set, current_value
# Example elements
= [1, 2, 3]
# Perform the greedy minimization
= greedy_minimization(elements)
optimal_set, min_value
print("Optimal Set:", optimal_set)
print("Minimum Value:", min_value)
Optimal Set: set()
Minimum Value: 0.0
Convert the solution back to the original variables.
# Ensure optimal_set is a list with fixed length 3 for the example
= list(optimal_set)
optimal_set_list # Padding with zeros if necessary to match the expected dimensions
while len(optimal_set_list) < 3:
optimal_set_list.append(= np.array(optimal_set_list)
# Transform back to the original variables
=, optimal_set_array)
x_opt print("Optimal x:", x_opt)
Optimal x: [0 0 0]
Here is a practical example using the concepts we’ve covered.
def scheduling_cost(schedule):
# Example cost function
= sum(schedule)
waiting_cost = len(schedule) * 2
idle_cost = max(0, sum(schedule) - 10)
overtime_cost return waiting_cost + idle_cost + overtime_cost
= np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
schedule print(scheduling_cost(schedule)) # Output: 16
= np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 1, 0, 0], [0, -1, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1, 1]])
B =, schedule) y
from itertools import combinations
def submodular_schedule_function(S):
return sum(S) - 0.5 * len(S) * (len(S) - 1)
# Find the subset with the minimum submodular function value
= float('inf')
min_value = None
best_subset = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for r in range(len(elements) + 1):
for subset in combinations(elements, r):
= submodular_schedule_function(subset)
value if value < min_value:
= value
min_value = subset
print(best_subset, min_value) # Output: (1,) -0.5
() 0.0
# Ensure optimal_set is a list with fixed length 3 for the example
= list(optimal_set)
optimal_set_list # Padding with zeros if necessary to match the expected dimensions
while len(optimal_set_list) < 4:
optimal_set_list.append(= np.array(optimal_set_list)
# Transform back to the original variables
=, optimal_set_array)
x_opt print("Optimal x:", x_opt)
Optimal x: [0 0 0 0]
This set of Python code examples demonstrates each concept and step involved in minimizing a multimodular function over nonnegative integer vectors via submodular set-function minimization over ring families. By transforming the problem and applying submodular minimization techniques, you can efficiently find optimal solutions in practical applications such as scheduling.
From: Eckman et al. (2023)
import simopt
from simopt import models, solvers, experiment_base
= simopt.experiment_base.ProblemSolver("RNDSRCH", "CNTNEWS-1")
myexperiment =10)
Running macroreplication 1 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 2 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 3 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 4 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 5 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 6 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 7 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 8 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 9 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Running macroreplication 10 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
myexperiment.post_replicate(n_postreps=200) simopt.experiment_base.post_normalize([myexperiment], n_postreps_init_opt
Postreplicating macroreplication 1 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 2 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 3 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 4 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 5 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 6 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 7 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 8 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 9 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postreplicating macroreplication 10 of 10 of Solver RNDSRCH on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Postnormalizing on Problem CNTNEWS-1.
Finding f(x*)...
...using best postreplicated solution as proxy for x*.
#A .txt file called RNDSRCH_on_CNTNEWS-1_experiment_results.txt will be saved in a folder called experiments/logs
=[myexperiment], plot_type="mean", normalize=False) simopt.experiment_base.plot_progress_curves(experiments
In this tutorial, we will explore how to apply simulation optimization to appointment scheduling. We will use Python to illustrate the main concepts with a simple example of a schedule with 4 time slots of equal duration, 5 patients, and stochastic discrete service times where the mean service time exceeds the duration of the time slot.
Our goal is to create an appointment schedule that minimizes the total cost, which is a combination of patient waiting time, doctor idle time, and potential overtime.
First, we need to set up our Python environment. We will use the numpy
and simpy
libraries for simulations and the scipy.optimize
for optimization.
import numpy as np
import simpy
from scipy.optimize import minimize
We will create a simulation model that mimics the operation of an appointment schedule. Each patient has a stochastic service time that follows a given distribution.
class AppointmentSimulation:
def __init__(self, env, num_slots, service_times):
self.env = env
self.num_slots = num_slots
self.service_times = service_times
self.waiting_times = []
self.idle_times = []
self.overtime = 0 = simpy.Resource(env, capacity=1)
def patient(self, patient_id, appointment_time):
yield self.env.timeout(max(0, appointment_time - # Wait until appointment time
with as request:
yield request
start_time = self.service_times[patient_id]
service_time yield self.env.timeout(service_time)
end_time self.waiting_times.append(start_time - appointment_time)
if start_time > appointment_time:
self.idle_times.append(appointment_time - start_time)
self.overtime = max(0, end_time - self.num_slots)
def run(self, schedule):
for i in range(len(schedule)):
self.env.process(self.patient(i, schedule[i]))
def objective_function(schedule, service_times, num_slots):
= simpy.Environment()
env = AppointmentSimulation(env, num_slots, service_times)
sim np.sum(sim.waiting_times)
total_waiting_time = np.sum(sim.idle_times)
total_idle_time = sim.overtime
total_overtime return total_waiting_time + total_idle_time + total_overtime
Generate the service times for each patient using a discrete stochastic distribution where the mean exceeds the time slot duration.
np.random.seed(= 15
mean_service_time = 5
num_patients = np.random.poisson(mean_service_time, num_patients)
service_times print("Service times:", service_times)
Service times: [15 16 14 14 25]
We need to find the optimal appointment times that minimize the total cost function. We will use a simple local search algorithm for this purpose. We will also add constraints to ensure that the appointment times are non-negative and increasing.
def constraint(schedule):
return np.diff(schedule).min()
= np.arange(0, num_patients * 10, 10) # Initial schedule: every 10 minutes
initial_schedule = 40 # 4 time slots of 10 minutes each
= ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': constraint})
= minimize(objective_function, initial_schedule, args=(service_times, num_slots), method='SLSQP', constraints=constraints, options={'disp': True})
= result.x
optimal_schedule print("Optimal schedule:", optimal_schedule)
Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 44.00000272933772
Iterations: 42
Function evaluations: 366
Gradient evaluations: 42
Optimal schedule: [-1.40258245e-07 1.50000007e+01 3.10000009e+01 4.50000009e+01
Finally, we analyze the results to understand the optimal schedule and the corresponding costs.
= simpy.Environment()
env = AppointmentSimulation(env, num_slots, service_times)
print("Optimal Schedule:", optimal_schedule)
print("Waiting Times:", sim.waiting_times)
print("Idle Times:", sim.idle_times)
print("Overtime:", sim.overtime)
print("Total Cost:", objective_function(optimal_schedule, service_times, num_slots))
Optimal Schedule: [-1.40258245e-07 1.50000007e+01 3.10000009e+01 4.50000009e+01
Waiting Times: [1.4025824481993313e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 3.783960522696361e-08, 0.0]
Idle Times: [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0]
Overtime: 44.000002551239874
Total Cost: 44.00000272933772
By ensuring the appointment times are non-negative and increasing, we can avoid the negative delay error and obtain a feasible schedule. This approach should help you implement simulation optimization for appointment scheduling more effectively.
Finally, we analyze the results to understand the optimal schedule and the corresponding costs.
= simpy.Environment()
env = AppointmentSimulation(env, num_slots, service_times)
print("Optimal Schedule:", optimal_schedule)
print("Waiting Times:", sim.waiting_times)
print("Idle Times:", sim.idle_times)
print("Overtime:", sim.overtime)
print("Total Cost:", objective_function(optimal_schedule, service_times, num_slots))
Optimal Schedule: [-1.40258245e-07 1.50000007e+01 3.10000009e+01 4.50000009e+01
Waiting Times: [1.4025824481993313e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 3.783960522696361e-08, 0.0]
Idle Times: [0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0.0]
Overtime: 44.000002551239874
Total Cost: 44.00000272933772
By following this tutorial, we demonstrated how to apply simulation optimization to appointment scheduling using Python. This approach can be extended to more complex scenarios and larger datasets, providing a robust framework for improving scheduling efficiency in various settings.