All numbers of arrival come from the same distribution
The numbers of arrival are independent from each other
The arrival rate \(\lambda\) is the average number of arrivals per unit of time (eg. patients per hour). The average inter-arrival time is \(\frac{1}{\lambda}\).
The service time \(\mu\) is the average number of clients a server is able to handle per unit of time if it is always busy (e.g. the number of patients handled by a physician). The average service time equals \(\frac{1}{\mu}\).
The offered load, \(\rho\), is defined as:
The unit of \(\rho\) is Erlang and is dimensionless. In a stable queue the rate of clients arriving is lower than the rate at whih clients are served. Otherwise the system is overloaded. So, queue will be stable when:
import numpy as npimport mathimport as pximport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom IPython.display import display, Markdownl =1title ="$$P(U_i \geq u)=e^{- \lambda u} \ with \ \lambda = 2 $$"u = np.arange(7)P = np.array([math.exp(-1*l*num) for num in u])display(Markdown(title))fig = px.line(x=u, y=P)